I just completed a multi-session training provided by EduCause titled, "Designing Hybrid-Flexible (HyFlex) Courses to Support Multimodal Learning Environments". This course was taught by the HyFlex pioneer himself, Dr. Brian Beatty. Overall, the main takeaway for me is that there is A LOT of momentum and interest in designing HyFlex courses, and thus designing learning spaces that can support HyFlex courses. In my opinion, allowing students the option to participate in a HyFlex course is the way of the future for higher education and should be incorporated into the strategy for every institution. That means not only investing in your network and classroom technology infrastructure, but also investing in your faculty and administrative support staff to develop and enhance the ability to effectively teach in a HyFlex environment for an equitable experience for students. The best part of this course is reading from educators world wide on how they are addressing HyFlex and getting the open access to other's thoughts and ideas on how to take this journey within your institution. Thank you Educause & Dr. Beatty for a great course!